zombie man

He came up on stage with what looked like blood on his shirt

The two on the right were fit for a funeral procession, black shirts, all polite

On the far left, Zombie Man's white button up dress shirt captured most of the purple light

Zombie Man before the bite was a meek, anxious, lean, shaggy-haired guy I saw on campus

I saw him stumble around class, his brows always furrowed in a melancholic gaze

But now his curly hair draped his eyes as he hunched over his guitar

He pulled his hand back with a raging force, like yanking the cord to a busted lawn mower

Guitar sputtering like a busted lawn mower whose cord has been yanked

And as if each stroke was electrocuting him, he writhed and bended and convulsed

Like being poked with a cattle prod

Each bending of the knees looked like London Calling

Each twist of his hips a desperate scrambling for control of his body

I wanted to be bit by you, just so I could understand how you could move like that

Shuffling like a zombie man

A hungry, angry zombie man

A mindless, animalistic zombie man

Rock on, Zombie Man


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