brave explorer

The land, sky and sea I braved
I trekked through many lands, of green grass and concrete-scapes, of seaside docks, of tropical beaches, I braved
I soared through the one big sky of this world, I braved
Through the terminals I braved
The men at the gate even put me through a test of worthiness
Just to see you... you
Stay safe, young brave explorer

You picked me up from the airport and we rode in the backseat as we roared down the highway, the longest highway I've ever seen
The world was much bigger than I expected

We made promises and plans to brave the world
To climb on top of trains in the middle of the night
To find ghosts in dilapidated apartments
To find the remnants of lost civilizations

When I came home, I had a dream
Where I lay in an open coffin
Where I was sunk in the warm warm ocean
Buried and still breathing
Sunk and still breathing
Where I felt my skin rot
And I saw the sun so very far away, so futilitily far away
The sun from the bottom of the ocean, like a pin prick of golden blood diffusing into the sea
And I got too old to brave the world 

I stared into no man's land, where the fog engulfed the valley
And I glanced back at her, and promised her I would come back home safe
I questioned if it was braver to stay right there with you
But the longer I gazed towards the distant horizons
The dream I had creeped in the corners of my peripheral vision
And I felt scared, I felt so scared
I looked down at my hands, and felt so scared
Because I used to be a brave explorer
And the fog beckoned me
Like a soldier to the jungle 
I laid back down with you
And dreamed of being a brave explorer once more


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