brave fixer

WORK! WORK! WORK! YOU FUCKING STUPID THING! As you smack the top of the CRT

I whimper without any noise coming from my mouth

If I made as much as a squeak, you would deem me broken as well

I hate when your cracks show like this

I hate when I learn to love people from you

I hate when you swear at inanimate objects

Why do you hate them so?

Why do you hate me so?

I'm a little older now and I'm yelling angry terms of endearment at the person across of me

I fucking love you so

Where the fuck are my socks?

You didn't put the right HDMI cable in the goddamn flatscreen

I can't fix you if you don't fucking tell me your problems

My dreams of love are intertwined with destruction

I will fix you by holding you so goddamn tight

I will crush your head until the shine in your eyes is nothing but static

I will twist your arms until they click into place

I've had a terrible day and your love is my only cure

So let me love you

You fucking broken thing


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