brave pilgrimage

I always was a big fan of the quintessential Mountain Goats doomed romance indie folk album

It was the transitional crossing over of the band's sound into hi-fidelity 

I loved it as a young teen thing

Dreams of the mysterious and dangerous thing called love

Dead fish

The engulfing swamp 

The rural countryside

The sound of buzzing and humming

Creaking and breathing floorboards

Burning homes

And I promised John that I would never find myself in the shoes of the characters he condemned

I've never set a foot in that Florida town

But I'm on a pilgrimage tour of that album

Because my home is burning

I set it on fire

I set it all on fire, with us both in the house

What's the opposite of enlightment?

I took John's word as gospel, and now I've been endarkened

I'm on a pilgrimage tour


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