the arf arf puppy weed

I'm on the floor

I'm like those videos of dead meat still moving 

I twitch with nervous impulse

I see a dark figure in the corner watching me

He looks like my work uniform

The great thing about being so hyperly self aware of your own thoughts is that you can reel yourself from a panick attack right as it's happening

The most terrible thing about sticking to your convictions is having to stick to your convictions

I can't even convince myself that I'm whatever adjective goes here

This is a joke

Everything I do is so embarrassing

But I can't even convince myself to be embarrassed

I'm thinking of this girl I love

I'm thinking of her

I'm thinking of her

I'm having flashes of her body in my mind

flashes of her body in my mind

flashes of her body in my mind

flash flash flash

light light light 

click click click

I'm on the floor

Twitching and writhing

I close my eyes and calm myself by pretending I'm a puppy

I howl with a hungry heart

And I fall asleep with my eyes open on guard


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