age regressing angel in a camo hat on willis street

age regressing angel in a camo hat on willis street

delighted by everything she sees like an excited child

delighted for human feeling, for the taste of a new flavor of drink hadn't before tasted

age regressing angel in a camo hat on willis street 

basking in the eager glow of the september early spring sun

waterfalls on her left eye, fantasies of a tear drop tattoo

age regressing angel in a camo hat on willis street

smiling over the backs of all the bodies commuting through the city street

peter falk used to be an angel

age regressing angel in a camo hat on willis street

in her boy moding clothes holding a paper bag of groceries uphill

she's worn this boy's body for far too long

age regressing angel in a camo hat on willis street

she never knew that something could've ever been brighter than the sun until now

colors breaking and separating like layers of the world in-between 

age regressing angel in the camo hat on willis street

ball of light waiting to explode out of her shy anxious body

her heart swells like light swelling out of the jagged, twinkling faces of a coarse unrefined gemstone

age regressing angel in the camo hat coming home to a girl she likes laying in the vestibule of her flat

age regressing angel wondering if she has what it takes to grow up

wondering if God would ever let her be an angel again


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