churning spinning groaning whining

the ambience in this room is driving me insane

spinning, spinning, churning, churning

wires and tubes and ventilation fans

pipes that look like this place is being fumigated

soon I'll be out to wind down 

cold showers and a cold beer in a tiny flat

check my emails, read a page or two of my Japanese textbook

short lived reprieve 

run to the bus and keep someone company for a bit

go home and bury my face in my Japanese textbook again

be disappointed by a hookup flaking on me again

eat a teaspoon of decarbed weed with peanut butter and water

pass out and sleep in on sunday

but for now the ambience in this room is driving me insane

bzzzz bzzzz

mechanical whining

electric groaning

spinning, spinning, churning churning 


oh god, oh god, my god, it's getting louder

I feel nauseous.


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