suggesting of items sprawled on my table like my brain is exposed

i suggest to myself as im looking at my little coffee table as im looking at the sprawled contents of random stuff i have on the table that i should have even more stuff sprawled on my little coffee table

so each corner top to bottom left to right / right to left whatever your cultural preference is, is scattered with little memories and thoughts and symbolic items and gifts given to me by people and all my friends and also a plate and a pet bottle of water i havent been able to stop calling it a pet bottle or ペットボトル ever since my wonderful japanese lecturer yoshie-san said the phrase. petto botoru. pet bottle!!!

just filled to the corner with little items that ill have to clean and wipe off and return to a blank state sometime whenever i want to feel productive!!!

the light in this image is wondrously vibrant but my true pov isnt as delightfully colorful, maybe just turn the saturation down for a more accurate recapturing of my exact sight


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