list of fears

I think of all the fears I have

I tilt my head and try to break down the myths I have about myself

What do I fear that's descript and tangible



Seeing your corpse is another one

Forgetting you

Forgetting you

Forgetting you 

I don't want to lose my mind just yet, I'm scared of going fucking crazy


Freezing to death, especially the part where you suddenly feel warm and sleepy

Being told that I am a monster

Knowing that I am a monster

Scared of being a monster who hurts people

Getting older

I don't want to see the flowers grow. I don't want to see them.

Killing myself

The momentary pain

But mostly the idea of doing one last act of cruelty to the people I love the most

But I will disseminate into the air and there'll be no more of me

When your heroes were monsters like you too

What do you do?

I wish I felt scared right now


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