2024 new years resolutions

past the following year is when your care for cultural importance to age loses credence. this is the final chance for reconciliation of your childhood self that you will allow yourself. will you reconjure that desperation to live?

are you happy?
are you really happy?
come rain, come remember what form you had one last time
it's time to make one final gambit
it's time to sing this song like you're dying
it's time to suffer through your third or fourth puberty
it's time to be a big sister
it's time to come of age for the third time
it's time to graduate

- make short films
- finish Konata vs Umaru
- learn music production and such
- join a band. perform somewhere

- find a different job
- leave current job
- start saving up for a future japan trip
- save up as much money as possible for 2025's living situation

- see people i love a lot more
- bleach hair
- get a tattoo and piercing
- finish getting everything i want for my flat
- graduate undergrad

- listen to more:
  - shoegaze
  - ska
  - punk
- get into 
 - gundam
 - more animanga
 - visual novels
 - magic
 - DND


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