girl in kyoto (1)

I want to say that whatever happens from here on out is my fault

I will never stop running

I will never stop being scared

I will never stop being paranoid

I will never stop feeling like I'm never enough

For you, for you, for you, for anyone, for myself

I'm sorry for staying in my corner and refusing to face you

I'm sorry for choosing to stay miserable

I know better than this

I don't know if *I'm* better than this

It's hard to believe that we live under the same sky

Because you don't see those same stars that I see right now

I wear my summer clothes in the winter

You wear your winter clothes in the summer

I'm moving away forever one day

But don't hold me to that

I only write these things so I can

Understand my feelings

Please understand my feelings

I'm sorry for only ever thinking about my own feelings 

These leaves will change colour next season

And the next, and the next, and the next

I'm so sorry for being unfair

I'm so sorry for projecting all my hope on you

I'm so sorry for projecting all my fear on you

And I'm so sorry I don't ever say it directly


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