home again

I woke up in the middle of the night last night not recognising my own bedroom

I was scared and frightened
I forgotten that I had came back home last Friday
and I had no idea where I was

new posters and stickers and flyers on this street
time passed
things I missed
what did I miss?
did you miss me?
are things still the same?
you're moving back home on the weekend
I'm thinking of new year's resolutions
this year and the next
is it so wrong to be so unphased by change?
is it so wrong to be so petrified by change?
how do you feel those things at the same time, how is it possible?
I'm less terrified by how tall these buildings are since I got back
I wonder if they're gonna revive this part of the city anytime soon
I think I'll wander off as far as I can today


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