because you're nice to me, you say

 i want to lick your wounds

i want you to ask me to lick your wounds

i can seal them with my bloody tongue

draw circles like an exorcism

and you can lick mine too

we can suffer together

but I'm not the one

die then! die then! die then!

i told myself I'd just be nice

I find it hard to stay in one place

In one set of arms

everyone likes me but no one loves me

everyone wants me but no one needs me

everyone wants little rain heather-maria but little rain heather-maria needs everything 

i don't like it anywhere necessarily

home is anywhere I can sleep around all my stuff 

stuck a shut-in where I only feel comfort around my items of cultural capital, plastic paraphernalia shiny metals and fabrics and fantastic illustrations of my fetishized eyes, my I hunger

haah, I wish to burn and melt every piece of this cruel multimedia carnival and breathe in the intoxicating cocktail that is burning rare minerals of my circuitboards and plastics and papers - I want to take in the carcinogens from my beautiful long haired rei ayanami figurine bathed in fire and absorb them like a fine sift mesh through my lungs into my bloodstream. the fire alarm in this flat is still broken. 


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